Our Story

We at AntiPolitical Clothing have never been political.

However, when the pandemic started,

  • I started seeing what was wrong with our government.
  • Term limits and party politics over what’s best for all Americans.
  • I see people who wouldn’t fly their flags before, but now they can because “their” party won.
  • Hatred instead of Harmony

So it led me to this…

“I’m not a donkey or an elephant, I’m American”

Now I needed to find a printing company. 

  • I was insistent on an All-American-Made Shirt. 

Believe it or not, most major names we all buy and love …… are not made in America, but there are a few that you never heard of who do!!!

  • I drew and designed my shirts.
  • I filed a trademark

That will appear on all my designs. Together with the team at Long Island Screen Printing, I present my feelings to everyone. 

Thank You For Taking The Time To Read Our Story.